About Us

hospital Mission

Patient Centricity     

    Commit to ‘best outcomes and experience’ for our patients.
    Treat patients and their caregivers with compassion, care and understanding.
    Our patients’ needs will come first


    Be principled, open and honest..
    Model and live our ‘Values’.
    Demonstrate moral courage to speak up and do the right things.


    Proactively support each other and operate as one team.
    Respect and value people at all levels with different opinions, experiences and backgrounds.
    Put organization needs’ before department / self interest.


    Be responsible and take pride in our actions.
    Take initiative and go beyond the call of duty.
    Deliver commitment and agreement made.

Why Choose Us

The dedication to fulfill our patient’s needs.

Skin and Beauty Care Specialist

Women Health & Pregnancy Specialist

Dr. Piyush Pankaj

M.B.B.S.(Hons), M.D.(Skin)
Dermatologist & Cosmetologist

Dr. rhitambhara Parashar

M.B.B.S.(Hons), M.S.(Patna), D.N.B.(I), M.R.C.O.G.(I)
Obstetrician & Gynaecologist